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Natan Chesed Committee

The healing power of our community is available to us in many ways

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, former Chief Rabbi of the UK, says chesed, “is usually translated as ‘kindness’ but it also means ‘love’- not love as emotion or passion, but love expressed as deed, this is a kind of love that means being ever-present for the other, in hard times as well as good.”

In communal relationships bound by chesed, each person is responsible for the other. There is an unspoken bond that unites them. That’s why as Jews we have the saying: kol Yisrael areivim zeh l’zeh-– all of Israel is responsible for one another. We have love for one another, and share responsibility for one another. We are invested in one another.

Psalm 89 tells us that “olam chesed yibaneh / the world was built with chesed.” The Torah begins and ends with acts of chesed.”

As we have seen, at the beginning, G-d clothes Adam and Eve; at the end G-d buries Moses. In the “middle” G-d visits Abraham while he is in need of healing.

The very essence of Torah, the Sages thus insist, is a G-d of love and kindness.

At some deep level, then, what Torah is about is “walking in G-d’s ways. We are obligated to cultivate certain character traits, like compassion and mercy and to engage in concrete acts of kindness, like clothing the naked, visiting the sick, comforting the mourners, and burying the dead.

We can all can make the choice to infuse this kind of covenantal love into all our relationships, friendships and, professional partnerships. So, when we bind our relationships with chesed, we are in greater alignment with the universe. And, in doing so, we also align ourselves with G-d’s incredible expressions of chesed in the Torah.

The Linkshul Natan Chesed Committee is the arm of our congregation that fulfills the great mitzvah of helping those in our community who are in need by performing acts of loving-kindness. The committee offers a myriad of services ranging from visiting the sick, Shiva houses, organizing and delivering meals in times of despair and births or simply listening, and offering a friendly ear. As well as reciting Tehillim prayers for members in our Community. Everyone on this committee has a sense of commitment to community life and all its needs. They are all familiar with the idea that we are all responsible for one another. The Natan Chesed Committee is available to lend a friendly hand when ever needed.

If you would like to participate or support the Chesed Committee or if you or another congregant you know of is in need or is in a crisis and would benefit from friendly hands, contact Bernice Berson 0824223232.

Community Feedback

“We greatly appreciate the kindness, warm support and the genuine happiness of the community during the birth of our precious baby boy. The abundance of meals, visits, phone calls, messages and love shown to us made us feel part of a greater family. This is truly a special community which we feel so privileged to be a part of.”

“Our family unfortunately over the past 4 years have mourned the death of 4 loved ones. We have been very touched by the kindness and support shown by the Shul community in providing meals for our family.”

“My dear Rabbis Bokow and Avtzon , secretary and members of the Shul, Thank you all most sincerely for the delicious cake I received for the Shabbat that I came out of hospital.”

“After arriving back from the hospital after a long week of tests, it was so reassuring to know that a meal roster was in place to help me gain my strength and get some rest. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your genuine kindness and generosity during a time that I needed the support.”

“Thank you everyone.  I cannot express what this means to us for all your prayers and good wishes.  May you all be blessed”

“Just to say that our family and all of us can feel so proud, privileged and thankful to be part of such an incredibly amazing and caring community who are so available and generous to our family”

“The Linksfield Chesed club is an unbelievable group of amazing people. I have recently had a tragic loss and every day without fail meals arrived. They could be from people who are your friends or members of the community. Knowing that people care and taking that pressure off makes the world of difference. Any opportunity I can, I try to return the Chesed. I remember the difference it made to me.”

“Having a baby is a life-changing experience. You are overwhelmed by all that is going on. It was a huge privilege to be apart of our loving warm and very helpful community. Everyone pulled together to deliver us meals. Taking away a stress of what myself and my husband were going to eat. It makes the world of difference. I feel even more like part of the Linksfield family and I can’t wait to make a difference in someone else's life in the future. Thank you to everyone in the community.”

“Our sincere thanks to Bernice and our amazing Linksfield community for all their support, caring and kindness during a difficult and very sad time. Special thanks to Bernice for arranging the ongoing meals. Thank you all so much.

“My dear friends,
I want to say thank you to all of you for helping me during the difficult time that I had.
The love and support that I got from you is unbelievable.
Thank you for the meals and all the prayers
Special thanks to you Bernice who arranged all the things for me and was here all the time.
lots of love to all of you”

“I have no words. We are Beyond blessed to be part of this amazing kind and generous community. Thank you so so much.”

Wed, 19 February 2025 21 Shevat 5785